Custom overflow box weir for marine fish tanks.

Designed to be siliconed to the rear of your aquarium for overflow pipes that would enter through the rear panel (silicone not included).

The overflow box has a front, 2 sides and a base (please see diagram). The height measurements are to the top of the comb teeth.


  • 3mm black Acrylic.
  • Accurately CNC machined components.
  • Custom sizes available.

There are 2 weir comb/teeth options:

  1. Open Comb: The slots measure 20mm (height) x 3.5mm (width) in size (see the first picture).
  2. Closed Comb: The slots measure 15mm (height) x 3.5mm (width) in size (see the second picture).

If you require a different size comb hole please add it in your order notes.

Please remember: Due to the surface tension of the water, your final water level is likely to be 3 to 6 mm higher than the bottom of the teeth (depending on your return pump flow rate). For example; if you buy a 300mm high weir that has 20mm teeth, your final water level will be around 285mm on the weir.

Please note: These are made bespoke to order and require 2 to 4 working days to be built and for the glue to cure.

Please note: Currently we have a 1 week lead time. This item is made bespoke to order.